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보내주신 Site를 봤는데요... AP과목이 필수로 되어있는 것은 아니구요. Guideline인것 같습니다. 과학과목을 biology, chemistry and physics 중에서 반드시 2과목 이상 들어야하구요. AP과목으로 들었을때는, 3점, 4점, 5점은 인정해준다는 이야기인것 같습니다. Score of 3, 4 or 5 on any two AP Exams in Biology, Chemistry, Physics B or Physics C, and Environmental Science; Score of 5, 6 or 7 on any two IB HL exams in Biology, Chemistry or Physics 원서상에는 내년 5월에 시험을 보겠다고 따로 명시할 수 있는 것은 아니고, 현재 수강하고 있는 Curriculum 과목들을 제출하게 되어있습니다. 그 list에서 AP Chemistry라고 적는다면, 그 이야기가 내년 5월에 AP 시험을 본다는 의미와 상통합니다. 그리고, AP 과목 시험을 본것이 있다면, 원서상에 자료를 제출하는 것이 좋습니다. _________________________________________________________________________________________ d | Laboratory Science Students should select courses that represent two of the three foundational subjects of biology, chemistry and physics. For example, a student who takes only biology and physiology, or biology and marine biology, would not meet the "d" requirement. Students who choose to satisfy the laboratory science requirement by taking a three-year integrated science program are encouraged to complete the entire sequence. Approved engineering courses satisfy this requirement, as do the final two years of an approved three-year integrated science program that provides rigorous coverage of at least two of the three foundational subjects. If the last year of the three-year sequence is not offered by the school, a student may complete the requirement by taking a course in biology, chemistry or physics.