강의 특징
온/오프라인 피드백과 강의 노하우를 추가한 업그레이드 강의 ! 다른 곳에서는 배울 수 없는 5점 맞춤형 강의
AP Enlglish Lang 시험에서 많은 5점 학생을 만들어낸 경험 많은 강사의 족집게 강의
AP Enlglish Lang 시험에서 5점 을 받을 수 있는 가장 쉽고 빠른 지름길.
- 1.전세계 학생들이 가장 많이 치르는 AP 시험이지만 한국학생들이 피하는 AP Enlglish Language 시험을 가장쉽게 풀이한 강의
- 2. SAT에서 650점 내외의 점수대의 학생에게 AP Eng. Lang 시험에서 5점만점 받을 수 있도록 구성한 강의.
- 3. AP에서 5점을 받는 기술적 요소에 집중한 강의
- 4.고등학교 English Language / Composition class 와 essay 를 써야 하는 모든 과목을 위한 essay 를 정복하는 강의
학생들의 반응 Hello. Mr.Roger. Thank you for teaching me AP language.
안녕하세요! 저는 Roger Chang 선생님의 AP Language & Composition Rhetorical Analysis 에세이 수업을 들었습니다.
덕분에 Rhetorical Analysis 에세이에서 6/6 만점을 받을 수 있었어요.
Roger Chang 선생님의 강좌를 수강해보세요!
After digging through the internet, I found Mr. Chang's AP English Language course.
I quickly signed up for the FRQ part 2 course, as Rhetorical Essays were what I struggled with the most.
The course is very well-made and detail-oriented, but at the same time,
well-explained and concise enough to help students easily put the skills taught to use.
Within weeks of starting the course, my grades quickly went up to an A!
I also earned a 5 on the AP English Language exam at the end of the year!
To my surprise, my school teacher also emailed me saying I had also earned a perfect score of 6/6 on FRQ 2,
the Rhetorical Essay! I could not have done this without Mr. Chang's Rhetorical Essay course.
This course has not only made me master the Rhetorical Analysis, but also improved my writing in general.
Although this is purely anecdotal, I've noticed my writing quality and style get noticeably better after taking this course.
I don't think any other course on the planet can turn a failing English student into a complexity point earner...
I highly recommend this course, especially the FRQ Part 2 course.
학생들의 반응 Hello. Mr.Roger. Thank you for teaching me AP language.
I was able to achieve a 5 and I also got 1600 for the SAT
which I think has to do with what I learned during the AP Lang classes.
Thank you. 😀