우선 답변이 늦어진점 죄송합니다. 메일이 누락되어서 이제사 추가 질문이 온것을 봤습니다.
1. 코넬대는 따로 weighted, unweighted로 구분해서 산정하지는 않습니다. 학교 site에 있는 답변이니 참고하십시오.
Q: What are the GPA and SAT/ACT cutoffs for admission?
A: We don't have any. Unlike some state university systems, Cornell does not use any single formula for its admission decisions. In fact, the whole process can be very subjective. First and foremost, we look at your high school record, the rigor of your coursework, your grades, and your rank-in-class (don't worry if your school doesn't rank -- that's quite common). The personal application you write (essays, extracurriculars, etc.) is also a very important piece of Cornell's selection process. Standardized testing plays a role, but probably not as much as you think. From there, we rely on a lot of tools that can't be quantified: recommendations, for example, and interviews (required for architecture and hotel applicants). Since all of these pieces help inform our decisions, we can't point to any master chart of GPA and test scores and automatically tell you what the decision will be. And frankly, we like it that way, because it allows us to learn as much as we can about each of our applicants. 추가 자료
2. 성적표에서 A라는 것은 즉 우리나라에서 1등급 4%라는 뜻인가요?
=> 성적표에서 A라는 것은 90점 이상 수를 의미합니다. 1등급 4%라는 것은 Rank를 구분하는 것입니다. GPA산정과는 상관이 없습니다.