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카테고리 학부 SAT 응시경험 없음
(3개까지 작성 가능)
제목 안녕하세요
저는 지금 산타모니카 커뮤니티 컬리지다니는 학생인데요.

전공은 사진이구요

제가 콜럼비아 대학에 비쥬얼아트 쪽으로 편입을 하고싶어서요.

어떻게 하는게 좋을까요
안녕하세요. Lucia입니다.

개인적으로는 본인이 얼마나 준비하셨는지 전혀 알지는 못하지만, Transfer로 IVY대학을 가실려면 SAT와 SAT II subject에 대한 Test성적이 상당히 높아야합니다. 더불어서, 현재 대학의 GPA도 거의 3.8/4.0과 추천서 3개 이상을 준비하시는 것이 좋습니다. 사진쪽으로 Art를 지원하시려면, 당연히 Portfolio가 있어야합니다. 자세한 사항은 아래 Link를 참고하세요. Columbia Transfer는 3월 15일이 Deadline입니다.


http://www.studentaffairs.columbia.edu/admissions/applications/transfer_admin-finaid.php Requirements for Transfer Admission Each year, we admit a small group of transfer students to Columbia College and The Fu Foundation School of Engineering and Applied Science. Because space in the sophomore and junior classes is limited, admission is highly competitive. We typically admit fewer than 10 percent of the applicants for transfer admission each year. Potential transfers are expected to have a minimum GPA of 3.5 overall; Columbia Engineering candidates are strongly encouraged to have a minimum GPA of 3.5 in their mathematics and science courses. Due to the timing of the transfer process, we are generally unable to consider grades earned in the second semester of the year of application; thus, high school grades, rigor of program and standardized test scores are all important in the evaluation of transfer credentials, especially for students applying for sophomore standing. If you have applied to Columbia previously, the documents you provided at that time will not roll over (with the exception of SAT or ACT scores); you must resubmit any information requested by this transfer application. You must take or have taken either the SAT or the ACT to be considered for transfer admission, and the scores must be directly reported to Columbia from the appropriate testing agency. If you have previously taken the SAT Subject Tests, those scores must also be officially reported; if you have not taken the SAT Subject Tests, they are not required to be taken at the time of the transfer application. To apply for transfer admission, you must submit the following: ?The Common Application ?Columbia Supplement to The Common Application ?The $80 application fee ?An official high school transcript (from all schools attended) ?An official college transcript (from all schools attended) ?SAT or ACT scores (and TOEFL /IELTS scores if necessary; please refer English Language Proficiency Requirements for further details) ?Two letters of recommendation (College Instructor Evaluation) from a college professor ?A Statement of Good Standing (College Official's Report) from the current institution