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카테고리 학부 SAT 응시경험 없음
(3개까지 작성 가능)
nyu, rutgers,
제목 nyu steinhardt
제가 대학에서 전공을 music technology 쪽을 하고 싶은데,

어느 대학이 이쪽 전공으로 좋나요?

NYU는 개인적으로 위치도 그렇고 제일 가고 싶은데

nyu music technology과도 좋나요?

아 그리고 extra-curricular 가 별로 없어죠 제가

다 해봤자 4개 밖에 안될거 같은데, 더 많이 해야하나요? 11 학년 올라가면

시험 준비때매 더 바쁠거 같은데 고민되네요

그리고 apply 한다음에 audition, interview, or portfolio가 있을거라는데

미리 준비를 해야하는건가요
안녕하세요. Lucia입니다.

개인적으로 악기를 전공하여 바로 음대를 가는 학생은 있어도, 이렇게 Music Technology에 관심이 있다고 상담한 case는 처음이라서 저도 공부하게 되네요.

NYU가 제 생각에는 이 분야에서는 최고일 것입니다. 이외 학교로 고려해볼만한 정도로는.. Berklee College of Music - Overview http://www.petersons.com/college-search/berklee-college-of-music-000_10000502.aspx California Institute of the Arts http://mtiid.calarts.edu/ 이 두학교 정도인것 같은데.. Berklee 음대의 경우는 실용음악을 중심으로 가르치는 곳이라서 실제 국내 가수들이 이곳으로 유학을 많이 가기도 합니다.

아래는 NYU Music Technology의 입학요강입니다. Audition, Interview는 미리 준비해야하고 Interview에서는 Music Theory도 물어본다고 하니 공부를 하셔야하겠지요. Activity도 이와 관련해서 준비하면 더 좋을 것 같구요. 따로 뭔가를 시간을 내서 하려기보다는 학교에서 하게되는 기본적인 활동이라도 열심히 챙겨두면 좋을 것 같습니다. Sport, Music, Arts, Community services등등.. 다른 분들도 참고하시라고 자료를 올려둡니다.


Auditions Applicants to the undergraduate program in Music Technology are required to go through a two-part audition process: the submission of an audition package, and a phone interview. The audition provides the applicant with the opportunity to demonstrate their musical skills and talent. Although it is not necessary to be an advanced performer to enter the Music Technology Program, a basic level of musicianship is required. AUDITION PACKAGE The package should include the following items: 1) A copy of your student essay from your NYU application. 2) A resume and/or short statement that outlines the following: a. What is your background and experience in music performance and music theory? b. What is your background and experience in music technology? c. Why are you interested in studying Music Technology at NYU? 3) A video recording of the following items: a. Applicant’s name, city and state b. Performance of two contrasting pieces in any style: the applicant may play (or sing) a piece in which they are the soloist, or where they have a significant solo part. The performance may be with an accompanist, a band, in a school performance, or as a soloist. The applicant does not need to be an advanced performer to enter the Music Technology Program c. Sing an ascending major scale a cappella (no accompaniment) 4) (Optional) Supporting materials (CDs, or DVDs) with examples of the applicant’s work, as a musician, engineer, producer, composer, or other. All materials should be properly labeled with the applicant’s name, NYU ID number, and role(s) on the recording (as musician, or engineer, or composer etc). The submitted material must be a VIDEO recording in standard DVD format. Audiocassettes and CD’s will NOT be accepted. Label the material clearly and include name, NYU ID number, email address, phone number, and itemize the contents of the DVD. PHONE INTERVIEW During the phone interview, a small music theory screening will be held. The purpose of the screening is to determine the applicant’s basic level of musical competence, and to check their understanding of basic time signatures and key signatures. The applicant will also be interviewed to find out about their technical and musical background