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상담대상 본인 학년 고3
거주국가 한국
카테고리 학부 SAT 응시경험 1회
(3개까지 작성 가능)
제목 미대를 준비하는 학생입니다.
미대를 가고 싶어하는 학생입니다
일단 SAT는 열심히 준비해서 2100점 대 이상은 나오고 미대입시에 필요한 포트폴리오도 현재 작성중입니다
하지만 그 외 다른 것들을 어떻게 준비해야 되는지 잘 모르겠습니다
그 중 먼저 한가지를 물어보고 나머지는 이 질문에 대한 답변에서 알려주신 것들을 준비한 후 물어보도록 하겠습니다
일단 제가 목표로 하는 각 학교들이 무엇을 요구하는지 알려주셨으면 합니다
그리고 RISD에 가지 않고 Brown으로 가서 Dual Degrees를 하는 것도 좋은지 알려주시면 감사하겠습니다.
안녕하세요. Lucia입니다.

RISD와 SAIC, Yale을 가고 싶어하는군요.

각 학교별로 요구하는 사항은 아래 site를 참고하시면 될것 같습니다.

RISD : http://www.risd.edu/Admissions/Apply/Freshmen/
SAIC : http://www.saic.edu/admissions/int_admiss/index.html#apply/SLC_5575
Yale : http://admissions.yale.edu/applying-yale-international-student#testing
The SAT and any two SAT Subject Tests or The ACT Plus Writing Test

Yale이외에는 TOEFL과 SAT 1 성적만 있으면 됩니다.

RISD-Brown Dual Degree를 모르시는 분들을 위해서 자료를 가지고 오자면..

RISD-Brown program으로 가는 것이 좋다 안좋다 이야기를 하기가 좀 어렵군요.
학생의 향후 어떤 전공으로 하고 싶은지, 장차 어떤 공부를 하여 미래에 어떤 일을 하고 싶은지에 따라서 매우 다르겠지요.
Brown 대학을 가보면, Prospect라는 도로를 두고 RISD와 Brown이 서로 마주보고 있습니다.
그만큼 훌륭한 두 대학이 서로 학생에 대한 좋은 Program을 공유하겠다는 것으로 보입니다.
RISD가 워낙에 미술계쪽으로도 Academic한 성향이 강하기때문에 다른 미술 전문대학보다는 보다 학구적인 학생들이 많이 오게 됩니다. 이 학생들이 1-2년 공부하다가 Brown으로 Transfer도 많이 하게 되구요.
그러다보니 두 학교끼리 좋은 학생들이 보다 집중적으로 미술을 Academic하면서도 Liberal Arts의 인문교양을 겸한 인재들을 양성하기 위해서 Program이 생겼다고 생각하시면 될것 같습니다.

생각보다 이 Program에 대한 경쟁율이 엄청쎕니다.

The number of dual degree students admitted is strictly limited. For the first five years of the program, we expect to matriculate between 13-15 candidates in each class.

기타 자세한 내용은 학교 FAQ를 참고하시면 될것 같습니다.


Brown/RISD Dual Degree Program
The Dual Degree Program draws on the complementary strengths of Brown University and the Rhode Island School of Design (RISD) to provide students with a range of opportunities to develop and integrate academic and artistic work.

Students may combine, for example, disciplines such as philosophy with sculpture, or art and design with math or anthropology. Brown offers comprehensive concentrations in the physical and biological sciences, social sciences, mathematics, and the humanities. RISD offers intensive, specialized education in all categories of visual media, architecture, and design.

The program is five years in length. Students may receive a Bachelor of Arts (A.B.) degree from Brown and a Bachelor of Fine Arts (B.F.A.) degree from RISD. Prospective students must apply and be accepted to both institutions, and then be approved by a separate Brown/RISD admissions committee.

Students accepted into the Dual Degree Program will be enrolled in both Brown and RISD and will be required to complete existing degree requirements for both institutions. A minimum of two years in residence at each school is expected of the students.
그렇다면 Yale에서는 무엇을 더 요구하나요?
Yale에서 미술쪽을 지원하면 특별히 SAT2나 AP과목들 중 요구하는 과목이 따로 있나요??
Yale은 미대를 따로 구분하여 학생을 선발하는 것이 아니라, 전체 지원하는 학생들의 수준에서 선발하기 때문에 GPA, Test (SAT I, SAT II subjects, TOEFL), activity, 추천서 등등이 필요합니다. 제가 알고 있기로는 미술쪽으로 지원한다고 해서 어떤 과목을 따로 요구하는 것이 있지는 않습니다. Art를 지원하려면 Portfolio가 필요한데, 아래 준비해야하는 것들에 대한 Guideline입니다. 아래 Site를 참고하시면 되겠습니다.

http://admissions.yale.edu/supplementary#art * Supplementary MaterialsYou should think carefully before submitting supplementary materials with your Yale College application. Most successful applicants submit only the items that we require. There are cases in which too many submissions, or submissions that do not reflect a high level of talent, can actually work against a candidate. Because the Admissions Committee gives greatest weight to the documents required of all applicants, we recommend that you focus your energy primarily on those elements of the application. Supplementary submissions may make sense for students with substantial and well-developed talent that cannot be conveyed adequately in the rest of the application. Due to the large number of applications that Yale College receives, we cannot evaluate all supplementary materials. Admissions officers and faculty members will be selective in choosing which submissions to review. We will accept audio recordings, musical scores, art samples, writing samples, scientific research papers, and links to personal websites. We do not encourage you to submit additional letters of recommendation, resumes, or personal essays; these are less likely to shed helpful new light on your application. How to Submit Supplementary MaterialsIf you are going to submit supplementary materials, please check the appropriate box on the Yale Supplement to the Common Application, Section VI, titled "Supplementary Materials." Supplementary materials other than art or music may be attached to the Common Application as Additional Information or mailed to our office, clearly labeled with your full legal name as it appears on your admissions application, your date of birth, the name and state or country of your high school, and the subject of the materials. Please see the sections below for more specific information about submitting art, music, academic work, and web supplements. While we cannot accept videotapes or DVDs of performances, applicants may include a link to a website or brief YouTube video in the space indicated on the Yale Supplement to the Common Application. In all cases, applicants should review the specific instructions below to ensure that materials submitted are appropriate. Acceptable Forms of Supplementary MaterialsWe will only accept submissions of art and music through our online submissions website, in .jpeg, .jpg, .tiff, .tif., .png, or .mp3 files, or, for music compositions, .pdf files. We continue to accept all other forms of supplementary materials in hard copy. Please do not send: Submissions that don’t demonstrate an unusually high level of ability. Unnecessarily long or extensive submissions. Succinct submissions often make a stronger impression. Three-dimensional submissions such as scrapbooks or sculpture. VHS tapes, CDs, or DVDs. A video addressing the admissions committee directly. Personal web pages from social networking sites like Facebook or MySpace. Anything that is not your own work. Please follow these instructions rather than those on the Common Application Arts Supplement form. You do not need to submit that form to us. Supplementary Materials - ArtIf you wish to submit images of your artwork as a supplement to your application, you must do so at our online supplementary materials submissions website by the appropriate application deadline (November 1 for Single-Choice Early Action candidates; December 31 for Regular Decision candidates; March 1 for transfer candidates). Here are some additional guidelines: Submit no more than ten images of your work that demonstrate the fullest possible range of your talents. Try to ensure that your technical and expressive abilities are equally represented. You are encouraged to include images of your drawings. When uploading individual files onto the supplementary materials website, please indicate the title, medium, size, and date of the work in the space provided. Also indicate if the work was done from life. (For example, "Girl with a Pearl Earring, Oil on Canvas, 17.5" X 15", 1665. Painted from life."). The materials must be in .jpeg, .jpg, .tiff, .tif, or .png file format. Resolution of . jpeg, .jpg, .tiff, .tif, or .png images should not exceed 768 pixels in height and 1024 pixels in width. To submit artwork, please check the appropriate box in Section VI of the Yale Supplement to the Common Application, titled "Supplementary Material."