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(3개까지 작성 가능)
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제목 추천서
추천서를 받아야하는데 선생님두분한테 받아야한다고 들었어요
그런데 학교영어선생님한테 하나, 봉사하는곳에서 하나를 받고싶은데요
꼭 학교선생님 두분으로 해야하나요?
봉사하는곳에서 추천서 받는사람들을 많이봤는데 그럴경우
Common app어디에 넣어야하나요?

안녕하세요. Lucia입니다.


추천서를 받을때에는 되도록 3분이상 받는 것이 좋습니다.

1. College Counselor / Guardiance Counselor

2. English or Social

3. Math or Science

4. Activity


추천서를 3-4개를 받아서 지원하는 대학에 어떤 선생님의 추천서를 보낼 것인지는 학생이 결정할 수도 있습니다.

따라서, 추천서를 4개까지 받는다면, 4개 모두 보낼 수 있다면 더 바람직하겠지요.


아래 사이트를 본다면, 추천하시는 분께서 log in을 하셔서 직접 추천서를 작성하실 수도 있습니다.




How does the Common App support recommenders?

Letters of recommendation play a critical role in the admission process at many institutions. They provide colleges with a firsthand account of a student’s strengths and offer unique insight regarding a student’s potential for success. And while the process of writing letters of recommendation can be rewarding, it can also be a time-consuming and complicated undertaking to manage. This is where we can help.

With the Common Application Recommender System, we make it easy for any teacher, counselor, coach, mentor, or other recommender to submit supporting documents virtually ? from anywhere in the world. Whether the document is a transcript or a letter of recommendation, there is no cost for submission, and you’ll have the ability to track submitted documents and any outstanding tasks. In other words, you can leave the tactical management of documents to us so that you can focus on writing your students’ letters of recommendation. 


