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안녕하세요 저번에도 질문 드렸었던 홈스쿨 학생입니다 다름이 아니라 앞에 질문에서 선생님 답변주실때 아이비리그에서는 홈스쿨링 학생들에게는 성적 제한을 둔다고 하셨는데 그것은 어디 들어가면 확인해볼수있을까요? 그리고 khan academy같은 사이트에서 인강을 들어서 미국 대학에 제출을 할때 어떻게 제출을 하는지 전혀 모르겠는데 여쭤볼수 있을까요?

안녕하세요. Lucia입니다.


다시 학교별로 좀 검색을 해보니, 예전에 있었던 Homeschooling 학생들에 대한 성적 minimum requirements는 없어졌네요.


하지만, 모든 대학들이 기본적으로 Demonstrate your strong academic scores를 언급한다는 것은 일정이상의 성적을 요구하는 것이겠지요.


전체대학에 대한 기본적인 요점을 정리해둔 site를 하나 찾아서 첨부합니다.





그리고 더불어 Khan Academy는 사설기관이고,  official로 미국 고등학교 교육기관의 인가를 받은 것을 아니므로, 

인강을 들었다는 자체가 인정이 되기는 어려울 수도 있습니다.

다만,  객관적으로 증명할 수 없더라도 도움이 될 수는 있으니 이 자료를 제출하고 싶다면,

Additional Information 자료에 제출하시면 됩니다. 그러나  그다지 큰 도움은 되지 않을 수도 있다는 점을 고려하셔야 합니다. 



몇개만 Sample로 자료 찾은 부분을 첨부합니다.


1. Dartmouth





    What materials do I submit if I am home schooled?

    There is no separate form or special application for home school students. Standardized test scores can demonstrate proficiency. We ask your home school supervisor to submit additional information on curriculum, grading scale, and evaluation. Dartmouth receives many applications from home school students, and our holistic review process means we consider each applicant within the context of their educational environment, community, and opportunities. 


    As a home school student, whom should I ask to write my recommendations?

    We encourage you to request teacher recommendations from instructors, tutors, or academic mentors who are not family members. If you have not worked directly with individuals outside your home, a brief statement from your home school supervisor will be accepted.


    How can a home school student demonstrate language proficiency?

    You can demonstrate language proficiency either via an SAT II subject test or via an AP exam. Either one is fine with the Admissions Office.


2. Yale University





Standardized test scores hold relatively more weight for home-schooled applicants. While SAT Subject Tests are not required for admission to Yale, if you are a home-schooler and you feel confident about your ability to do well on the exams, you might want to consider taking a number of SAT Subject Tests in order to demonstrate your abilities in various areas.


3. Princeton Universtiy


All applicants, including home schooled students, are expected to take the SAT with Essay or the ACT with Writing. Two SAT Subject tests are recommended but not required. Some home schooled students choose to take more than two to further demonstrate their academic breadth in the absence of traditional grades. In addition, some prepare for and take Advanced Placement (AP) tests in subjects they have studied at an advanced level.

