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제목 [Chris Choi] INQUIRY on balancing
regular and honors chemistry 21
작성자 gin*** 등록일 2024-12-17 오후 2:30:24

Dear sir

I apologize I'm typing in English. I can't operate Korean typewriter now. Thank you for your consideration.

In the textbook p.126, we have equation balancing questions.

#3 and #4 related to charge balancing are tricky to me.

In #3,

3Ag2S + 4Al -> 6Ag + 2Al2S3

I've got here, but I can't go further.

In #4,

I have no clue about this one.

Please help me and thanks for your precious time in advance.

2024-12-18 오후 6:48:10

안녕하세요 :)



먼저, Al3+와 S2-를 합쳐줍니다.

Ag2S + Al -> Ag + Al2S3


이것을 밸런싱하면 아래와 같이 됩니다.

3Ag2S + 2Al -> 6Ag + Al2S3


다시 Al3+와 S2- 형태로 나눠줍니다.

3Ag2S + 2Al -> 6Ag + 2Al3+ + 3S2-



half reaction을 먼저 씁니다.

Cr2+ -> Cr3+ + e   (oxi half)

Co2+ + 2e -> Co (red half)


주고 받는 e 개수가 동일해야 하므로, 첫번째에 *2를 합니다.


2Cr2+ -> 2Cr3+ + 2e

Co2+ + 2e -> Co


두 식을 더해서 e을 지웁니다.


2Cr2+ + Co2+-> 2Cr3+ + Co



도움이 되었기를 바랍니다 :)
