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제목 [Roy Lee] AP Biology concept 22
3.2 Enzyme Catalysis 2
작성자 bil*** 등록일 2020-01-14 오후 2:40:49
Hi Roy, for the first practice question, I encountered the same question before and my teacher told me the reason is because by breaking donw the lactose itself produces glucoes and glactose, thus it is not sugar free. Which one more accurate answer? You said in the video that there exists other types of sugar in the milk.
2020-01-20 오후 10:25:38


Um... you're gonna have to help me out a bit here.

I'm not sure what your question is.

The correct answer for the question is C.

The reason it's not A is because milk contains other sugars aside from lactose 

(for example other types of oligosaccharides)

and also I agree with your teacher, lactose can also be cut into glucose and galactose.


Let me know if you have any other questions. thanks! :D


