다름이 아니오라, 제가 기억하고 있는 intro 글의 순서와 conclusion 글의 순서가 맞는지 확인차 이 질문을 올립니다.
introduction (3-4 sentences): - background information (1 sentence: hook) - article name, author's name, main argument (1 sentence: purpose of author) - rhetorical strategies used (1 sentence: list 3 rhetorical techniques you will discuss in each body paragraph) - intended effect to readers (1-2 sentences: how are readers persuaded by such device/tone/diction?)
e.g. The concurrent problem of (some issue such as environmental pollution) has its roots on (for example, conventional industrialization without proper protection laws) but it is often ignored. In the (title of article), author (name of author) laments the situation, claiming that (main argument provided in the prompt). In doing so, the author utilizes several rhetorical and literary techniques--including (rhetorical device 1,2, and 3)--to persuade the readers. The author effectively dismisses possible counterarguments by (presenting illustrative anecdotes, informative and authoritative tone, ...), allowing readers ponder over the issue and subsequently peruse the article.
conclusion (2-3 sentences): - paraphrase the purpose of author (to communicate the main argument) and the rhetorical devices used to achieve such effect (1 sentence) - pinpoint one or two rhetorical devices that stood out the most, and mention their overarching effect in the passage (1-2 sentences: effect being such as "spurs readers into action," "let readers sympathize the writer's cause," "make readers believe in the author")
e.g. In hopes of convincing the readers that (main argument), the author implements (rhetorical device 1,2, and 3). They effectively establish the tone of optimism and inform the readers about the danger of current problem, which spurs them into action.
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