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제목 [Roy Lee] roy lee- terminal velocity general science
general science physics 12
작성자 hyo*** 등록일 2019-10-04 오전 12:36:01

1.If you reduce the area in which air resistance can act upon, you can increase your terminal velocity 라고 나와있는데 왜 그런거죠 ?( p.49)

2.그리구 또 하나는 가끔 궁금한건데요.. acceleration이랑 velocity랑 헷갈리지 말라고 하셔서 여쭤보는건데 스카이다이버가 떨어진다고 가정하면, 스카이다이버에게 작용하는 gravity ( acceleration)이랑 air resistance랑 어느 순간에는 같아져서 , 일정한 속도로 떨어지는 거잖아요... according to the Newton's 3rd law.. right? 그런데 왜 처음에 떨어질때도 분명히 initial velocity가 있었을것이고 공기랑 부디치니까 반대로 같은 힘으로 밀어내면 딱 공중에 가만히 있어야 되는거 아닌가요?(말도 안되는거 아는데요 ㅋㅋ 왜 그런지 궁금해서요..) 사람은 mass가 커서 (acceleration이랑 mass는 반비례하니까) velocity에 큰 차이가 없으니까 계속 나아가는거라고 들은것 같은데.요..

In a nutshell: 사람이 떨어질때 공기랑 부딪힐거고 , 공기도 사람을 같은 힘으로 밀어낼건데, 어떻게 떨어지는거죠? ( 중력이 작용해서 떨어지는건 아는데 왜 공기의  reaction도 이겨내고 떨어지는거죠???)

으아..머리 깨질것 같아요..;;

2019-10-09 오후 2:05:54



1) think about the relationship between Area and Force.

Pressure = Area x Force.

if you want to maintain the same pressure, but start decreasing the area,

logically, you need to increase force.


air resistance is air pressure pushing you against the direction you want to move.

if you reduce the amount of area this air resistance can act upon you,

there needs to be an increase in force in order to achieve the same pressure.

this force is dependent on how strongly you push against the air molecules, 

which is the same thing as saying it's dependent on how fast you are moving.

therefore, you have to travel faster until the air resistance and acceleration can cancel each other out,

resulting in a faster terminal velocity.



2)  이건 우리가 newtonian physics보면서 했던 내용이여서 다시 한번 복습해보는게 좋을것 같은데요

그냥 간단하게만 말하면 air resistance always depends on the movement of the object

if the object doesn't move, there is no air resistance.

if the object moves faster and faster, there is greater and greater air resistance.

air resistance can get so big, to the point where it cancels out acceleration due to gravity

allowing the object to stay at terminal velocity.

but to get to that point to begin with, the object needs to move very fast.

if the object doesn't move that fast, it doesn't have that great of air resistance,

meaning it cannot cancel out acceleration due to gravity.



물리학은 공부하면 할수록 어렵다가, 어느 순간에 갑자기 깨달음(?)을 얻게 되면서

엄청 쉬워지는 경우도 있으니, 머리속에서 배운 이론이랑 현실세계에서 내가 보는것들 연관성을 잘 파악해보면서 조금만 더 힘내요!  :D


