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제목 [Lisa Kim] IB chemistry SL 문제 질문
15 Lesson 5.4_Topic 5_Paper 1 (SL) 15
작성자 kei*** 등록일 2019-09-22 오후 6:35:15

#12 에서 which equation vest represents the bond enthalpy of HCl? 답 B라고 하셨는데 A 가 아닌이유가 무엇인가요

#18 solid zinc는 metalic bond라서 electricity conduct가 가능하고 solid zinc chloride가 electricity 가 conduct 안된다고 하셨는데 이건 무슨 bond 인가요?

2019-09-23 오전 10:23:23

#12.  Bond enthalpy is the energy to break 1 mole of a bond in the gas phase.  In addition, the energy is measure for breaking to gaseous atom not ions.

#18.  Solid zinc chloride has the ionic bonding such as solid sodium chloride. Zinc chloride does not conduct electricity as a solid becuse these ions are not free to move around.
