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제목 [Tom Choe] Questions on the Problems
[영어강의] SpaceGhost's New SAT Reading -전략강의 + Official Guide Part.1 _Test 1,2(33강 완성) 8
작성자 shi*** 등록일 2019-09-08 오후 11:36:21

I appreciate your lecture, but there are some questions that I have problem comprehending from watching the video alone.

1. In page 20 of this packet, I don't get why choice (A) should be abandoned. Isn't it counter-intuitive in a sense that "supposed" means something is assumed to be something but in fact is not exactly that thing? Choice (C), the correct answer, reads "suggest that a certain concept may not be entirely accurate." This choice has virtually no difference with choice (A), does it?  

(If this answer is abruptly auto-translated into Korean in your display, please let me know. Such inexplicable phenomenon is sometimes shown when students write their questions in English)

Thank you.


첨부파일 SpaceGhost’sNewSATE-BReading(1-13).pdf
2019-09-10 오후 6:47:37

By definition “supposed” means not absolute, which means there is room for doubt., or “may not be entirely accurate.” In addition, “counterintuitive” means “contrary to common sense or intuition.” As you can see, choice A is incorrect in this sense.
