Par: 6 : Four specificactivities have been identified as major contributors to the desertificationprocesses: overcultivation, overgrazing, firewood gathering, andoverirrigation.
The final major human cause ofdesertification is soil salinization resulting from overirrigation. Excesswater from irrigation sinks down into the water table. If no drainage systemexists, the water table rises, bringing dissolved salts to the surface. Thewater evaporates and the salts are left behind, creating a white crustal layerthat prevents air and water from reaching the underlying soil.
According to paragraph9, the ground’s absorption of excess water is a factor in desertification because it can .........
Okay I get what you are saying and you do have a point, but you are CLEARLY not reading the choice A carefully, or you are not precisely thinking about WHY irrigation is mentioned in the first place.
The reason for desertification is NOT BECAUSE IT INTERFERES WITH irrigation.
The passage CLEARLY SAID overirrigation. I also attached part of paragraph 6 so that you understand that this is an example of human activity.
Now, BECAUSE of human activity (overirrigation), there is too much water, and because there is too much water without the appropriate drainage system, the water comes back up with salt.
So if you think about it, even if you DID WANT TO SAY THAT OPTION A is anything close to being the answer, it has to say OVERIRRIGATION, not INTERFERING WITH THE IRRIGATION.
To put it simply, the reason for desertification is because of OVERIRRIGATION. (and salt rising to the surface is BECAUSE OF overirrigation)
Irrigation was never interrupted in the first place.
Hope this helps you~