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제목 [Ted Chung] Grammar peeves who/whom
New sat grammar review 5
작성자 beo*** 등록일 2019-06-08 오후 6:17:01

교재 page 13 9번문제 보시면

It is ironic that the recommendation of the committee 

was opposed by bruno, who/whom was initially elected

by the committee.

여기서 의문문은 who was initially elected by the committee?

           답변은    he was initially elected by the committee

            따라서 답은 who 

라고 말씀해주셨는데요. 

교재 page 11 B번 보시면

Clark,who\whom was elected by the committee, has to design.

의문문 who/whom was elected by the committee?

답변    The committee elected him 

이라고 설명해주셨는데요.  B번 논리면 9번문제 답은 whom 아닌가요?

2019-06-08 오후 11:59:28

네... 질문 잘 해 주셨습니다. 


이 문제 제가 수업 중에 잘못 말씀드린겁니다. 제 촬영을 해야되는데 아직 못했습니다. 


이 문제는 9번이 틀린 게 아니라 11번이 틀린 겁니다. 


Clark, who was elected by the committee, has to resign... 


Who was elected by the committee? 


He was...


고로 답은 who입니다. 




제가 원래 쓰고 싶었던 문장은 이렇습니다. 


Clark, who the committee elected, has to resign. 


Who did the committee elect? 


(The committee elected) Him.


So, 이 문장의 경우 whom이 와야하는 것이죠. 





혼란을 드려 죄송합니다. 


