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제목 [Caits Lee] AP Bio 질문있어요!
AP Bio FRQ 2016 20
작성자 Par*** 등록일 2019-04-10 오전 7:20:15

안녕하세요 선생님!

I was solving the FRQ and I was unsure if I should give myself 2 points on number 1 C. This is what I wrote.

Lap94 is most likely responsible for maintaining molecules in the cell. This is because as salinity increases, water from the cell will exit to the environment due to osmosis. The function of lap94 allele is to maintain water in cells so that the mussels do not die due to dehydration because of high salinity. 

And for number 2 D, This is the answer I put for the part about why the graph leveled off during hours 5 and 6.

The population doesn't grow during hours 5 and 6 because nutrient 1 had ran out.During this period it also didn't grow as it only accepted nutrient 2 at 6 hours. 

I did not really talk scientifically at all, so I was unsure if I this would be accepted.

답변은 한국어로 해주셔도돼요!

항상 답변 감사드립니다!

2019-04-13 오후 11:00:26

안녕하세요 ^^

Describe the most likely effect of LAP94 activity on the osmolarity of the cytosol.

è Lap94is most likely responsible for maintaining molecules in the cell. This isbecause as salinity increases, water from the cell will exit to the environmentdue to osmosis ( no points )  If thequestion is asking “the effect of A on B”  you should ve written in a sentenceframe of “ A increase/decrease B” or some contents indicating the change in B affectedby A.

è Goodanswer would be àLap 94 increases osmolariy of the cytosol.  

Describe the function of LAP94 in maintaining water balance in the mussels living in the Atlantic Ocean.

à The function of lap94 allele is to maintainwater in cells so that the mussels do not die due to dehydration because ofhigh salinity.   ( 1 points)



And for number 2 D,

Describe how nutrient I most likely regulates the genes formetabolism of nutrient I and the genes for metabolism of nutrient II. ProvideTWO reasons that the population does not grow between hours 5 and 6.

This is the answer I put for the part about why the graphleveled off during hours 5 and 6.

The population doesn't grow during hours 5 and 6 because nutrient 1 had ran out.  ( one point )

During this period it also didn't grow as it only acceptednutrient 2 at 6 hours. (no point)

è  Why did it finally accepted nutrient 2 at hours 6? Because it took time to produceproteins/enzymes required to metabolize nutrient II. You should ve write thereason “Why” .

 문제들은  us frq 라서 인터넷에

2016 ap biology frq scoring guideline 이라고 치면 student model essay commentary  나오니 참고하세요! 

