안녕하세요 ^^
Describe the most likely effect of LAP94 activity on the osmolarity of the cytosol.
è Lap94is most likely responsible for maintaining molecules in the cell. This isbecause as salinity increases, water from the cell will exit to the environmentdue to osmosis ( no points ) If thequestion is asking “the effect of A on B” you should ve written in a sentenceframe of “ A increase/decrease B” or some contents indicating the change in B affectedby A.
è Goodanswer would be àLap 94 increases osmolariy of the cytosol.
Describe the function of LAP94 in maintaining water balance in the mussels living in the Atlantic Ocean.
à The function of lap94 allele is to maintainwater in cells so that the mussels do not die due to dehydration because ofhigh salinity. ( 1 points)
And for number 2 D,
Describe how nutrient I most likely regulates the genes formetabolism of nutrient I and the genes for metabolism of nutrient II. ProvideTWO reasons that the population does not grow between hours 5 and 6.
This is the answer I put for the part about why the graphleveled off during hours 5 and 6.
The population doesn't grow during hours 5 and 6 because nutrient 1 had ran out. ( one point )
During this period it also didn't grow as it only acceptednutrient 2 at 6 hours. (no point)
è Why did it finally accepted nutrient 2 at hours 6? Because it took time to produceproteins/enzymes required to metabolize nutrient II. You should ve write thereason “Why” .
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