To investigate the claim that exposure to light overrides the genetically controlled circadian rhythm, the
researchers plan to repeat the experiment with mutant mice lacking a gene that controls the circadian
rhythm. Predict the observed activity pattern of the mutant mice under L12:D12 conditions and under DD
conditions that would support the claim that light overrides the genetically controlled circadian rhythm.
지금 학생의 답은 L12:D12 만 support 했습니다. light 가 있을때는 inactive 하고 light 가 off ( dark) 일땐 active하다. 1점 받았고요
뒤의 문제, and under DD는 답을 안했네요. under DD일때는 since controls from both gene and environmental conditions are absent, no circadian rythm is observed. 이런식으로 써야합니다.