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제목 [Caits Lee] AP Bio 질문있어요
AP Bio FRQ 2015 16
작성자 Par*** 등록일 2019-04-09 오전 6:04:00

안녕하세요 선생님! 

제가 FRQ 풀면서 문제를 잘 못읽었는지 1번의 D 에 이렇게 썼어요:

Then the mice will most likely be only active when lights are off. This is because if it lacks the gene to control a circadian system, then it would base its actions solely on the light exposure. 

읽어보니까 채점하면서 뭔가 DD 하고 L:12  D:12 두개다 support 하는거 같아서 물어보기로했어요. 이정도면 2번 다 챙길수있나요?

2019-04-10 오전 3:14:14




To investigate the claim that exposure to light overrides the genetically controlled circadian rhythm, the
researchers plan to repeat the experiment with mutant mice lacking a gene that controls the circadian
rhythm. Predict the observed activity pattern of the mutant mice under L12:D12 conditions and under DD
conditions that would support the claim that light overrides the genetically controlled circadian rhythm.


지금  학생의 답은 L12:D12 만 support 했습니다. light 가 있을때는 inactive 하고 light 가 off ( dark) 일땐 active하다.  1점 받았고요 

뒤의 문제, and under DD는 답을 안했네요. under DD일때는 since  controls from both gene and environmental conditions are absent, no circadian rythm is observed. 이런식으로 써야합니다. 

