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틀린문제 몇개만 골라드리자면 14. Ming China's withdrawal from ocean exploration most closely resembles The decline of the Russian navy after the fall of the Soviet Union in 1991 (A) Germany's liquidation of its African empire in 1918 (B) the Islamic pullback from its advances into France in the 700s (C) slavery there continued long after other American societies had abolished the institution (A) The abandonment of the Viking settlements in North America around 1000 (D) 32. Which of the following is the most likely reason that Mayan civilization declined?
The weak military leadership of Hernán Cortés (A)
Diseases imported from Europe (B)
Natural disasters such as a volcanic eruption (C)
Deforestation (D)
22. The greatest number of slaves shipped west went to Brazil because slavery there continued long after other American societies had abolished the institution (A)
North and Central America had relatively few slave-owning European colonies (B)
Portugal's laws allowed slavery with no interference by royal or church authorities (C)
Brazil was the shortest sea voyage from west central Africa to a large area of cultivable land (D)