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제목 [Ted Chung] grammar peeves 질문입니다
NEW SAT Grammar Review 5
작성자 jen*** 등록일 2019-02-06 오후 2:39:35

grammar peeves강의를 보다가 생긴 의문점인데, 

프린트를 보면 1.who/whom B.Let's do another one에서 "who/whom was elected by the committee?"라고 질문했을때 -->The committee elected him 이라고 대답할 수 있기 때문에 whom이 더 적절하다고 나와있는데,

6강에서의 practice test 강의를 보다보니

(9번) who/whom was initially elected by the committee? -->He was elected by the committee라서 who가 더 적절하다고 설명하시네요

둘이 거의 똑같은 문장인데 왜 풀이가 다르죠..? 어떤 풀이가 맞는걸까요ㅠㅠ 너무 헷갈립니다 

2019-02-07 오후 12:48:08

안녕하세요...  whom이 맞습니다. 


헷갈리시는게 맞습니다. 두번째 문장에 하자가 있습니다. 


문장을 이렇게 바꾸세요. 


It is ironic that the recommendations of the committee were opposed by Bruno, who/whom the committee initially elected. 


Q: Who did the committee elect? 


A: The committee elected him




It is ironic that the recommendationis of the committee were opposed by Bruno, whom the committee initially elected. 


이제 이해가 되시죠? 



 도움이 되었기를 바랍니다~~

