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제목 [Ted Chung] Ted Chung 선생님 너무 햇갈려요 ㅠㅠ
NEW SAT Grammar Review 5
작성자 han*** 등록일 2018-08-23 오후 5:43:19
선생님 안녕하세요. 그래머 강의 5강을 보면서 궁금했던 내용들 질문드립니다.
1. "Clark, who/whom was elected by the committee, has to design."
 선생님께서 이 문제는
1. Who was elected by the committee?
2. The committee elected him
3. "Clark, whom was elected by the committee, has to design."
이런 순서에 맞게 풀라고 하셨고

2.It is ironic that the recommendations of the committee was opposed by Bruno, who/whom was initially elected by the committee.
반면에 이 문제는 
1.Who was initially elected by the committee?
2.He was initially elected by the committee.
3.It is ironic that the recommendations of the committee was opposed by Bruno, who was initially elected by the committee.

이러한 순서에 맞게 풀라고 하셨습니다.

제가 햇갈리는 것은 두 문장 모두 who나whom 뒤에 문장들 수동태 문장인데 위에것은 대답할때 
 The committee elected him라고 하고 밑에 것은 왜 He was initially elected by the committee.라고 하는것인지 햇갈려서 질문 드립니다. 제가 보기에는 두 문제가 비슷한 것이라고 생각이 들거든요. 

2018-08-25 오후 1:59:06



헷갈리시는게 맞습니다. 두번째 문장에 좀 하자가 있습니다. 


문장을 이렇게 바꾸세요. 


It is ironic that the recommendations of the committee were opposed by Bruno, who/whom the committee initially elected. 


Q: Who did the committee elect? 


A: The committee elected him. 




It is ironic that the recommendationis of the committee were opposed by Bruno, whom the committee initially elected. 


이제 이해가 되시죠? 



 도움이 되었기를 바랍니다~~


