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제목 [Tom Choe] SAT practice test #1
[영어강의] SpaceGhost's New SAT Reading -Official Guide 패키지(전략강의+해설강의)_53강 완성 24
작성자 Elf*** 등록일 2018-08-12 오후 1:46:01
문제 50번 선지 A가 헷갈려요ㅠㅠ
문제: The author of the Passage 2 would most likely respond to the discussion of the future of space mining in lines 18-28, Passage 1, by claiming that such a future

선지 A) is inconsistent with the sustainable use of space resources 가 

Passage 2에서 lines 63-65: Others will suggest that glutting ourselves on space's riches is not an acceptable alternative to developing more sustainable ways of earthly life 

이라고 적혀있는데 passage1 18-28에 나와있는 우주에서 하는 개발, 발전들이 지속가능한 발전과 일치하지 않는도 되지 않나요?ㅠㅠ

아 그리고 선생님!! 한국학교 다니면서 선생님 인강 들으면서 독학하고 있는데 sat시험 보기 전에 blue book(칼리지 보드 official)만 풀기에는 너무 부족할까요? 미국에서 공부한 경험이 없어서  이 책보다 시험이 어려우면 망할 것 같아요ㅠㅠGreat global conversation이나 U.S founding documents 도 시험에 나온다고 하길래 Washington's farewell address 뽑아서 공부하고 있는데 너무 어려워요ㅠㅠ미국에서 공부한 학생들한테는 이 정도는 쉽겠죠?ㅠㅠ

쌤 답변 기다리고 있을게요!
2018-08-15 오후 1:11:54


Hi, Elf3da!


Sorry for the delay… busy summer. Question number 50 is a “most likely” question, which means that it is similar to “inference” and “imply”. Therefore, the correct answer will not be very direct. Throughout the passage, author of passage 2 describes a possible conflict between those who want to make money in space versus those who want to preserve it, much like environmentalist do on Earth. Choice A is wrong, because the author does not mention “inconsistent”, which is the wrong word in choice A. Lines 18-28 mentions the “gold rush pioneers”, who became rich in the wild west. The wild west is called the wild west, because it was wild and because there was little law to protect people and ventures.
B is the correct choice.
As for your other question, you are correct: there isn’t too much material for the new SAT yet. However, Korean students do have as much access as those in the U.S. I suggest that before you finish the Bluebook (official collegeboard), pick up another book (such as Barron’s SAT) and do some of those tests. Also, other than the 8 tests in the Bluebook, Collegeboard has release at least 2 real tests so far, maybe more. You can find them on collegeboard.com
Thank you for listening to my lectures. I hope they help you fulfill your goals!
