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제목 [Sunny Kim] Question about the Opportunity Cost
AP Macroeconomics 1
작성자 joe*** 등록일 2018-06-27 오전 4:49:01
I signed up to take your Macro and Micro economics class, and I just started watching the first Macroecon lecture of yours. I was just stumbled upon one thing. 
You said in the lecture that the opportunity cost would be equivalent to the slope of the curve of the PPC. You explain it with an open ended example at the very end of your lecture. I thought the answer of the question would be 1, which is the absolute value of the slope of the opportunity cost of Goods A, but it turned out to be 10, which was the amount of Goods B being lost every time there was a gain of 10 more Goods A being produced. I was confused on why the opportunity cost would turn out to be 10, not 1 which is the slope of the curve. 
Please let me know at your earliest convenience and I am looking forward to more lectures with you. 
Thank you,
Jennifer Kim
2018-06-27 오후 2:45:28
I signed up to take your Macro and Micro economics class, and I just started watching the first Macroecon lecture of yours. I was just stumbled upon one thing. 

You said in the lecture that the opportunity cost would be equivalent to the slope of the curve of the PPC. You explain it with an open ended example at the very end of your lecture. 
I thought the answer of the question would be 1, which is the absolute value of the slope of the opportunity cost of Goods A,(이것이 바로 Good A 제픔 하나 만들 때 포기하는 OC 이지요?) 
 but it turned out to be 10, which was the amount of Goods B being lost every time there was a gain of 10 more Goods A being produced. 
I was confused on why the opportunity cost would turn out to be 10, not 1 which is the slope of the curve. 

Please let me know at your earliest convenience and I am looking forward to more lectures with you. 

Thank you,
Jennifer Kim


--> 안녕하세요! 학생분~ 반갑습니다!! MCQ 문제 3번 말씀하시는 것이지요?

 자~ 이 문제에서 물어보는 것은 Good A가 1개 증가했을 때 OC가 아니라, 10개에서 20개로 증가할 때 포기해야 하는 Good B의 갯수를 물어보는 것 입니다. 

그래서 위에 제가 표시해 둔 학생분의 이해가 맞는 것이구요. 근데 학생분은 good A 한개의 OC를 계산했는데, 

문제에서는 10개를 증가시키다는 것이니, Good B 10개가 되는 것 입니다.


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