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제목 [Sunny Kim] macroeconomics
macroecon 1
작성자 cha*** 등록일 2018-05-14 오후 10:00:25
쌤 안녕하세요! macroecon 2015년도 practice exam에있는 3, 24, 52번에대해서 질문이있습니다!

3. A rightward shift in the SRAS curve will occur when
(A) exports exceed imports 
(B) the money supply increases
(C) the prices of imported raw materials increase
(D) the stock of physical capital increases
(E) unions have negotiated a wage increase for their members
답: D
--> increase in capital stock은 LRAS shift factor 아닌가요? SRAS shift factor도 될수있는건가요???

24. Which of the following is most likely to increase the real interest rate in Country Z?
(A): Country Z's central bank purchases government securities from banks and citizens 
(B) Country Z reduces government expenditures 
(C) Country Z is viewed as having increased political and economic risk 
(D) country Z's citizens increase their savings in anticipation of needed retirement income 
(E) country Z introduces a tax on consumption goods 
답: C
--> 이부분에서 real interest rate 과 국가가 경제적으로 안좋은거랑 무슨연관이되는건지 그래서 왜 국가가 having increased political and economic risk 일때 real interest rate이 올라가는지 설명해주세요ㅜㅠ

52. Suppose that in a particular country, nominal GDP grew by 8%, and the GDP deflator increased by 10%. The country's growth rate of RGDP would be approximately equal to 
(A) -2%
(B) -0.8%
(C) 0.8%
(D) 2%
(E) 18%
답: (A) 
--> 이문제 접근방법/어떻게풀어야되는지 알려주세요!

2018-05-15 오전 1:32:12
쌤 안녕하세요! macroecon 2015년도 practice exam에있는 3, 24, 52번에대해서 질문이있습니다!
3. A rightward shift in the SRAS curve will occur when
(A) exports exceed imports 
(B) the money supply increases
(C) the prices of imported raw materials increase
(D) the stock of physical capital increases
(E) unions have negotiated a wage increase for their members
답: D
--> increase in capital stock은 LRAS shift factor 아닌가요? SRAS shift factor도 될수있는건가요???
--> 아~~이런 경우들이 있습니다. 근데 다른 보기 들이 전혀 답이 되지 않치요!! 그리고 LR의 factor는 SR의 factor가 될 수있습니다.

24. Which of the following is most likely to increase the real interest rate in Country Z?
(A): Country Z's central bank purchases government securities from banks and citizens 
(B) Country Z reduces government expenditures 
(C) Country Z is viewed as having increased political and economic risk 
(D) country Z's citizens increase their savings in anticipation of needed retirement income 
(E) country Z introduces a tax on consumption goods 
답: C
--> 이부분에서 real interest rate 과 국가가 경제적으로 안좋은거랑 무슨연관이되는건지 그래서 왜 국가가 having increased political and economic risk 일때 real interest rate이 올라가는지 설명해주세요ㅜㅠ
--> 아~ 문풀 강의 레슨 28 21번 문제입니다! 설명참고해주세요!

52. Suppose that in a particular country, nominal GDP grew by 8%, and the GDP deflator increased by 10%. The country's growth rate of RGDP would be approximately equal to 
(A) -2%
(B) -0.8%
(C) 0.8%
(D) 2%
(E) 18%
답: (A) 
--> 이문제 접근방법/어떻게풀어야되는지 알려주세요!
--> fisher로 가시면 됩니다. Nom GDP(8%) = Real GDP + Inf(10%)