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제목 [Ki Young Song] AP EURO LEQ, 질문!
All About European History 46
작성자 edw*** 등록일 2018-05-09 오후 12:53:01
Feminism에 대한 LEQ 써보시라해서 써봤는데 어떻게 고쳐야할지 알려주세요! 그러구 Topic Sentence에는 뭘 써야 적합할까요(몰라서 못썼어요ㅜ)? LEQ Rubric에 보면 uses historical situation skill to frame or structure an argument that addresses the prompt라구 나와있는데 이 topic 같은경우에는 compare/contrast에 대해서 topic sentence를 써서 frame/structure을 해야하는거같은데 그 내용을 어떻게 써야 적합할까요..? 

French Revolution in Europe was an overthrow of French absolutist monarchy which eventually was changed to the constitutional monarchy. During French Revolution, woman was a significant role such as leading the March to the Versailles where they marched from Paris to Versailles to overthrow Louis XVI. Throughout years it was easy to infer increase of women's role and rights in European states. Feminist movements in period c. 1850-1920 and 1945-present can be compared because more liberal rights were applied to women during the period of 1945-present. Due to different feminist philosophes, women achieved many different rights and had more freedom towards European society and due to these people, it has influenced not just European nations but across the World.

(Topic Sentence) The feminist movement in the period 1850-1920 is different because it mostly supported political, legal theories that should be applied to both men and women however in the period 1945-present focused more onto society and daily life that women's do not get the advantage of. Movement in 1850-1920 have supported political, legal and educational equality such as voting rights and education where not only men are allowed to have stable, professional jobs but women should too, however from 1945-present, it focused more onto divorce laws and equal pay for equal work which still continues today. Since rights of women towards political or legal issues were mostly accepted during 1850-1920 when Europe also was going through equality movements, from the 1945-present period, it focused more onto daily life where every woman was included not just certain people who've engaged with politics. Another movement compared that's started in 1850 vs. 1945 are the workforce that was booming in that periods. During 1850, which was part of Industrial Revolution, hired mostly men than a woman since they're better workers however during 1945, which started the Second World War across world hired women since every man were joining the military to fight against the fascists. Different events can make the situations different like this case where it was nearly mandatory for men to fight in the war and women who were supposed to support and take care of the rest of the family and act like a man.

*일단 Intro, Body 1만 썼는데 채점(?) 부탁드리구요 질문도 꼭 답해주셨으면 좋겠습니당!

2018-05-11 오전 1:11:06

1. LEQ Rubric에 보면 uses historical situation skill to frame or structure an argument that addresses the prompt라구 나와있는데 이 topic 같은경우에는 compare/contrast에 대해서 topic sentence를 써서 frame/structure을 해야하는거같은데 그 내용을 어떻게 써야 적합할까요..? 


라고 질문주셨는데 일단 몇년도 몇 번 문제인지부터 알려주셔야겠습니다. 2016년 3번인가 했는데 시기를 보니 그렇지도 않은 것 같고.. 문제를 적어주셔야 보고 도움되는 답변을 달아드릴 수 있겠네요.


2. intro 와 body만 가지고는 음... 쓰신 부분에 대한 코멘트는 가능하지만 채점은 불가능하고 의미도 없습니다. 꼭 채점을 원하시면 전체 완성해서 다시 올려주세요.
