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제목 [Roy Lee] AP Environment 질문입니다
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작성자 jun*** 등록일 2018-05-06 오후 10:41:33

혹시 remediation, reclamation, restoration의 뜻과 어떻게 사용되는 지 예를 들어주실수 있나요?

2018-05-07 오후 11:17:56


remediation, reclamation, restoration 같은 단어들은 뜻이 워낙 비슷한데

또 환경과학 세부 분야별로 의미하는 바가 조금씩 다른 경우가 있어서 많은 혼돈이 있어요.

그래서 각 단어들의 뜻은 주로 context에 의존해야 하는 경우가 많아요.


Generally, remediation refers to eliminating or reducing the "source" of the problem.

Let's say a toxic substance is destroying a habitat.

In this context, remediation will likely mean removal of the toxic substance so no further harm is done.


Reclamation usually refers to "claiming the land for another purpose", usually when talking about abandoned mines.

If a mine is depleted and abandoned, it still leaves a huge hole in the ground that can cause problems.

Reclaiming that land means filling up the hole that is left behind so that

hopefully the land returns to the original state (before the mine was established)

or at least being able to use the land for another purpose other than a hole in the ground.


Restoration means returning a disturbed land completely to the original state.

This is often the best case scenario, and also often impossible.


hope this helps :D

