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제목 [Sunny Kim] tax burden 에 대해서 알고 싶습니다!!
Micro 문제강의 3
작성자 kwa*** 등록일 2018-05-05 오전 11:41:43


안녕하세요 선생님! 

After the government imposed a $0.2 per gallon tax on gasoline, the price of a gallon of gasoline increased from $1 to $1.15.
Which of the following statements is true?
A. consumers bear the entire burden of the tax, since producers can pass the tax along to consumers
B. consumers and producers share the tax burden equally
C. consumers bear most, but not all, of the tax burden
D. Producers bear the entire burden of the ta, since the tax was levied on producers, not consumers
E. there is no tax burden, since gasoline is a normal good.
tax burden 에 관한거면 이게 elasticity 에 관련된 질문 같은데 문제 상에서 전혀 elastic 에 관한 힌트를 찾지 못하겠어요...
inelastic 이면 consumer 가 burden 많이 하고 elastic 이면 producer가 더 많이 burden 한다는 것은 알겠어요! 답이 C 라는데 왜죠...
2018-05-05 오후 9:32:09


안녕하세요 선생님! 

After the government imposed a $0.2 per gallon tax on gasoline, the price of a gallon of gasoline increased from $1 to $1.15.
Which of the following statements is true?
A. consumers bear the entire burden of the tax, since producers can pass the tax along to consumers
B. consumers and producers share the tax burden equally
C. consumers bear most, but not all, of the tax burden
D. Producers bear the entire burden of the ta, since the tax was levied on producers, not consumers
E. there is no tax burden, since gasoline is a normal good.
tax burden 에 관한거면 이게 elasticity 에 관련된 질문 같은데 문제 상에서 전혀 elastic 에 관한 힌트를 찾지 못하겠어요...
inelastic 이면 consumer 가 burden 많이 하고 elastic 이면 producer가 더 많이 burden 한다는 것은 알겠어요! 답이 C 라는데 왜죠...
--> 안녕하세요! 학생분~ 문제에서 tax는 전체 0.2불인데, 그중 가격의 증가는 consumer가 내는 부분이니, 가격이 0.15불 증가했으니, 소비자가 더 많이 낸다는 것입니다