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제목 [Caits Lee] Review Questions ! - SAT2
The essence of SAT2 biology part 1 18
작성자 cat*** 등록일 2018-04-18 오후 12:59:02

쌤 ! 안녕하세요 ~!

cell division part in SAT2 biology part1 review questions 에서요

why the number 4 is mitotic cell division? It says it is a fertilized ovum undergoes rapid cell division immediately after it is fertillized by a sperm cell. Didn't you say that sperm and egg is all include in the meiotic cell? ㅠㅠ I was so confused....

2018-04-19 오후 2:21:54

안녕하세요 ~ ^^

Didn't you say that sperm and egg is all include in the meiotic cell?-->  


Sperm and egg is the product of meiosis. As a result of meiosis, the number of chromosome reduces in half, and result in haploid cell, sperm and egg.   When

ovum, which is an egg(n) is fertilized by sperm (n) it becomes a zygote (2n).

Zygote undergoes a rapid cell division to increase in number of cells. All the cells resulting from this division is identical. this is called cleavage, and it is a mitotic division.  나중에 제 동영상과 강의노트 , reproduction 에 가면 이 내용이 또 나옵니다 ^^






