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제목 [Steve Han] answer explanation에 대해 질문 드립니다!!
sat reading comprehension literature 8
작성자 qus*** 등록일 2018-04-19 오전 5:52:51
Hi, Steve. My name is Henry. 
I have been studying SAT for one year in the United States. 
I have a question about your question number 5 in lecture 8 RC literature.

the answer was C, which I had erased out first among the chocies. if this question asked as a passage as a whole, I would have been understanded the reasoning of the answer. since the problem is  specifically talking about the line 47-49, I think the answer could be D or A: the sentence first written as "although" and then ends to " dreadful situation quite appalled me" 
you mentioned a kind of trick is used in this problem but I didn't get it. 

Thanks Steve, I love your lecture
Have an awesome day!!

2018-04-19 오후 10:21:52

Hello Henry! glad you are enjoying my lectures.


A. the point is not that he is perceptive... pretty obvious stuff

B. not really a lack of confidence... he's intimidated

C. correct^^

D. the opponent is actually less able than he appears


If you look at the answers, from A to D, 

A and B are about the narrator.

C and D are about the opponent.

The question is about the opponent, so it's more likely that C or D is correct. 


The topic of the question is not just the opponent, but the description of him.

The question is not asking about the author's impression of the young man.


All the aforementioned information adds up to C.


Hope that helped... thanks for asking and if you have further questions don't hesitate.

 Cheers, Steve








