H+ concentration이 더 높은 intermembrane space쪽이 더 positive해야하지 않나요? intermembrane space에서 mitochondrial matrix가 positive -> less positive (because of lower concentration of H+) 하기때문에 electrical gradient가 만들어지지 않을까요..? 왜 H+가 더 많은 쪽이 더 negative한지 이해가 안가요. --> 당연히 H+ 이 많으면 더 positive 한데요.. 제가 말실수를 했나봅니다 ㅠ 미안합니다. electrical gradient is a potential energy that forces the positive ions to flow down from positive to negative side.
ADP가 phosphate하고 만나서 ATP가 만들어진다고 했는데, 거기에서 phosphate는 어디로부터 온건가요? matrix안에 기본적으로 있었던 건가요? --> YES. The phosphate comes from a pool of inorganic phosphates instead of directly from another molecule, and the energy to phosphorylate the ADP comes from the proton gradient, not from coupled reactions. Thats what makes the oxidative phosphorylation different from substrate level phosphorylation.
답이 되었는지요? ^^