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제목 [Sam Choi] proving basic/ advanced rule of exponents??
IGCSE, MYP Math Core and Extended 만점공략특강 [이론완성 + 필수예제 총정리] Part.1 (21강 완성) 9
작성자 mol*** 등록일 2018-04-08 오후 2:22:49
I saw the class video of lesson 9 and we studied about basic and advanced rules of exponents. 
Can you please prove why the basic rules are equal?
I mean something like how to say 1/a^n is equal to a^-n, proving why -부호가 수를 역수로 만드는지와 같은거요
2018-04-09 오후 2:48:13

일반적으로 a^(-1) = 1/a 은 Proof가 필요없는 Mathematical Define의 일종입니다.

강좌에서 모든 내용들을 일일히 설명하였으나 좀더 다양한 Properties들과 증명과정을 공부하고 싶다면 아래의 사이트를 참고해보시면 좋을 듯 합니다.


You can find the various properties of exponents and their definitions on the follwing website link.


Rational Exponents
  •  A Review of the Rules for Exponents
  •  Rules for Rational (or Fractional) Exponents
  •  Using the Rules of Exponents to Simplify Radical Expressions
Multiplying and Simplifying Radical Expressions
  •  Simplifying Radical Expressions
  •  Multiplying Radical Expressions (Same Indices)
  •  Multiplying Radical Expressions (Different Indices)
Adding, Subtracting, and Dividing Radical Expressions
  •  Adding and Subtracting Radical Expressions

