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제목 [Jason Lee] Superstat L 24 question
AP Statistics 24
작성자 dlr*** 등록일 2018-03-28 오전 10:23:12
L24에서 practice question E241 (b)에 관해서 질문이 있는데요 

이게 standard deviation of X를 구하는 것인데 X=A+B이기 때문에 linear combination이잖아요. 
근데 linear combination에서 공식을 보면 variance가 제곱이 되는 것이잖아요. 
σz^2= σx^2 + σy^2 이렇게요. 

그럼 although the question asks for standard deviation, since it's a linear combination in which we have to find standard deviation through the sum of variances, 
don't we have to find it though 

σx^2 = σA^2 + σB^2 ??

in the lecture, 풀이과정 보면 σx= σA + σB 라고 되어있어서 질문합니다!!

2018-03-30 오전 12:13:26


L24에서 practice question E241 (b)에 관해서 질문이 있는데요 
이게 standard deviation of X를 구하는 것인데 X=A+B이기 때문에 linear combination이잖아요. 
근데 linear combination에서 공식을 보면 variance가 제곱이 되는 것이잖아요. 
σz^2= σx^2 + σy^2 이렇게요. 

그럼 although the question asks for standard deviation, since it's a linear combination in which we have to find standard deviation through the sum of variances, 
don't we have to find it though 
σx^2 = σA^2 + σB^2 ??

in the lecture, 풀이과정 보면 σx= σA + σB 라고 되어있어서 질문합니다!!

You are right, this is a mistake. 
the answer should be sqrt(40^2+48^2) = 62.48..
I looked through the lecture;
I can't remember what I was thinking at the time.. presumably I was thinking of variances..  or donuts...
Thank you for pointing this out! I will correct this in a future recording.