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제목 [Kevyn Lee] Perceptual set
Chapter 4 11
작성자 dea*** 등록일 2018-03-26 오전 8:30:57
Does the context effect include principle of visual organization and perceptual constancy and more or is it just a seperate category? 사진처럼 나눠지는거 맞나요용?? 

Also the picture with the basketball player , does that show the effect of context? If then what kind? 

Also in chapter3 when talking about CNS how is a spinal cord a decision maker? Is it because it makes a decision to move before the stimuli reaches the brain? 
첨부파일 1522020599140503629866.jpg
첨부파일 15220208702241521904675.jpg
2018-03-29 오전 9:27:32

1. separate category

2. Yes, it's supposed to be an example of context. The immediate CONTEXT makes it seem that one of the players is small, although he certainly isn't.

3. spinal cord isn't the decision maker. The brain is. The only thing that the spinal cord DOES decide is only related to reflexes.


