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제목 [Kevyn Lee] AP Psychology - Split Brain Patients
핵심을 캐내는 케.AP Psychology 8
작성자 and*** 등록일 2018-03-04 오후 12:46:04

May I just ask this question in English, for you said several times in lectures that you are used to English more than Korean? 

In the split brian patients experiment, before you told me the answer in the lecture, what I thought is that since they are poiting with their left hands,
 they must be using their right part of the brains, which only have information about the word 'he.'
Then, I asked myself 'what if they were asked to point with their right hands? Will they answer 'art'?'

However, according to your explanation, when subjects were asked to speak out what they saw,
they answered "Art" because left part of the brain that has the information about the word 'art' is related to speaking,
and when asked to point the world they saw with their left hands, subjects pointed the word 'he' because the other side of the brain mostly deals with art and music.

Your explanation really makes sense to me, but I just want to know answers for the questions that I underlined. 

Thank you^^


2018-03-07 오후 8:36:21

Haha hi there

First of all, of course I don't mind that you use English. Whatever's comfortable works for me.

Now your question is actually very complicated.

And honestly, I myself cannot guarantee that my answer is right. (the brain is quite complicated, if you know what I mean haha)

BUT based on my knowledge, IF the patient really was asked to do such action, there can be many different outcomes based on real research.

1. the patient moves his right hand and then instead of pointing, just SAYS the word "art."

2. the patient gets confused and doesn't know which word to point at (this happen due to the lack of interaction between two hemispheres)

3. Some actually might get angry and leave the room(probably due to the confusion)


Although this part of the chapter isn't really asked on the AP, it's good that you're curious!




