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제목 [신규강의] Rose 선생님의 Real-Life English Essay Samples:Beginner_22강 완성
작성자 관리** 등록일 2022-03-08 오후 2:11:16

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Rose 선생님의 Real-Life English Essay Samples:Beginner_22강 완성

강의를 오픈했습니다.


■ 학교 영어수업에서 상위 10%에 들 수 있도록 설계한 바로 사용가능한
     Real-life Essay 샘플,tips, tricks을 제공하는 강의
     (Created to help students write in the TOP 10% in class,
      with ready-to-use samples, tips, and tricks!)

■ 그 어떤 다른 곳에서도 한번에 만나기 힘든 Samples !!
     Samples that aren’t explained like this anywhere else !!

1. Students need sample essays to learn and understand how to
    write better for class
    - Understand how an essay can receive an A+ grade one lecture at a time

2. The ENTIRE course will be performed in English
    - Enhance effectiveness of the lessons
    - Ex. Comprehension, reading, responding, etc.

3. Guidance and Examples
    - Essay Types and Writing Styles
    - Weak Vocabulary
    - Transitions
    - Creating fluent writing

4. Ready-to-use real essays, tips, and tricks to enter the TOP 10%
    in your English Class!

5. Students need guidance to explain where they need
    to improve in their writing
    - Allows students to write at a higher standard than that of their peers  


1. Overseas Middle/High School Students

2. Students preparing for Boarding/International/Overseas schooling

3. Students afraid of writing in English/Having difficulty being confident
    while writing

4. Open for ALL STUDENTS who need help writing essays for class

5. Essays for all topics, themes, content for any student wanting to
    improve writing quality!
