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Ask a Question!

This is the Q&A board for questions while watching online lectures.
Don't hesitate to ask if you're unsure about something!

  • 1For faster answers, include details like course name, lecture title, and problem or page number.
    For math or physics, attaching a photo helps.
  • 2Ask specific questions after watching the lecture.
  • 3Questions should be about the lecture content. Other materials or school exam questions are not covered. Instructors may answer non-lecture questions, but this is an exception and rare.
No. Instructor Title Author Date Response Status
9050 Brian Rhee coeff. of determination kac*** 2024-10-14
9049 Chloe Kim UAM equation problem question hyo*** 2024-10-13
9048 Chloe Kim velocity.time graph 문제 ita*** 2024-10-13
9047 Sunny Kim 강의 누락 jia*** 2024-10-12
9046 Brian Rhee AP AB jia*** 2024-10-12
9045 Kevyn Lee practice test2 mudule2 3번 dispute가 안되는이유 yun*** 2024-10-12
9044 Liz Ki practice tests chapter 9 질문 yun*** 2024-10-12
9043 Ki Young Song Scientific Revolution 수업 내용중... nem*** 2024-10-11
9042 Harim Yoo 질문9038 했던 학생입니다. hjr*** 2024-10-08
9041 Mia So Ap Calculus 질문 yun*** 2024-10-08
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