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Ask a Question!

This is the Q&A board for questions while watching online lectures.
Don't hesitate to ask if you're unsure about something!

  • 1For faster answers, include details like course name, lecture title, and problem or page number.
    For math or physics, attaching a photo helps.
  • 2Ask specific questions after watching the lecture.
  • 3Questions should be about the lecture content. Other materials or school exam questions are not covered. Instructors may answer non-lecture questions, but this is an exception and rare.
No. Instructor Title Author Date Response Status
9040 Harry Kim Ap physics 2 개념강의 part 1외에 다른 강의들은 언제쯤 올.. Sih*** 2024-10-07
9039 Kelda Park ap chem 질문입니다! ann*** 2024-10-07
9038 Harim Yoo algebra1 unit13 이해가 안가는 곳 hjr*** 2024-10-04
9037 Roy Lee Nutritional deficiencies는 무슨과학인가요 pz0*** 2024-10-04
9036 Ki Young Song 2018 DBQ Essay pet*** 2024-10-03
9035 Sunny Kim 2022FRQ 문제만 있고 답은 없습니다. gir*** 2024-10-03
9034 Kelda Park AP Chemistry 질문 shi*** 2024-10-02
9033 Mia So AP precal 문제집 답지 어케 보나요? jdn*** 2024-10-02
9032 Sunny Kim Short Run COST TABLE jia*** 2024-10-01
9031 Liz Ki DSAT Statistics Question hwm*** 2024-10-01
You can check after logging in.
