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Title [Sarah Lim] Human Anatomy and Physiology
AP biology 1
Author mao*** Date Posted 2024-06-01 오후 7:39:19

선생님 수업 중에서 아래 내용이 나오는 수업과 part와 unit을 알려주실 수 있을까요?

Human Anatomy and Physiology is limited to Fifth Form students who have already successfully completed a full year of earth science. 

This course starts by examining the animal cell and the basic structure and function of the human body. 

The rest of the year is spent studying specific body systems with a particular focus on disease and injury. 

Each student completes several dissections and labs that highlight the structure and function of each body system.


2024-06-03 오전 11:15:18


안녕하세요. 아래 링크의 강의입니다.


high school gpa unit10

Sarah 선생님의 The Fact High School Biology (Regular, Honors) Part.2 (Unit.7~Unit.11)_45강 완성

