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업데이트 공지와 함께 파일, 인쇄교재, 강의노트 모두다 업데이트가 한번에 되었어야 했는데 헷갈리게 되어 미안해요.
영상의 강의내용이 맞습니다 !!! 교재 업데이트가 늦은부분이어요. 영상의 강의내용대로 공부해주면 됩니다. :)
헷갈린 부분 다시 잘 확인해주세요.
문제풀이 교재의 p.59의 내용을 정정해주세요.
4. In thenarrowest definition of money, M1, money market funds are excluded because theyare
(A) not amedium of exchange
(B) notinsured by federal deposit insurance
(C)available from financial institutions other than banks
(D) astore of purchasing power
(E)interest-paying accounts
Ans A
M1 = Currency+ Checking deposits
+ Saving deposits + Traveler’s checks
--> 요기! M1 에 Saving deposits 추가해주세요 :)
개념강의에서 Saving deposit이 M1으로 들어가게 된 이유를
샘이 설명해주었습니다.
M2 = M1 + Time deposits + Money market funds
8. Whichof the following transactions will keep M1 unchanged?
(A) Jamestransferred money from his money market funds to his checking account.
(B) William deposited coins from his piggy bankinto his checking account.
(C) Emmawithdrew money from her money market funds.
(D) Sophiaincreased her monthly cash deposits to her retirement funds.
(C) Luna transferredmoney from her time deposit to her checking account.
Ans B
9. Gracetransferred $10,000 from her checking account to her savings account. How willM1 and M2 measures of the money supply change?
(A) M1will increase and M2 will decrease.
(B) M1will increase and M2 will increase.
(C) M1will decrease and M2 will increase.
(D) M1will decrease and M2 will not change.
(E) M1 will not change and M2 will not increase.
Ans E
참고로 예전에 9번 문제가 변경되는 이유를 공지해주었던 파일을 함께 첨부합니다.
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