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Title [Kelda Park] 2016 FRQ q6-(a)
FRQ 해설강의(2012~2019,2021~23)_56강 완성 26
Author leu*** Date Posted 2024-03-27 오후 12:30:36


2016 FRQ q6-(a) 이 문제를 이런 식으로 답변 해도 되나요?

Because of the large K value, the reaction will essentially go to completion (mostly products).

In the new 100mL solution the the concentration of Ba2+ is 0.1M, EDTA4- is 0.15M, but Ba2+ and EDTA4- react in 1:1 ratio to form BA(EDTA)2-, so Ba2+ is the limiting reactant.

Thus only 0.1M BA(EDTA)2- will be formed.

[BA(EDTA)2-] = 0.1M

2024-03-27 오후 4:01:57

