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Title [Kelda Park] 2014 FRQ question4-(b)
FRQ 해설강의(2012~2019,2021~23)_56강 완성 15
Author leu*** Date Posted 2024-03-24 오후 5:37:43


2014 FRQ question4-(b) 이 질문을 이렇게 답변해도 되나요?:

Disagree. The amount of CaCO3 (reactant) used in both experiment was different (50g. and 100g.) if the reaction went to completion the final pressure might be different.

But the final pressure remain constant in both experiment meaning that an equilibrium condition has been achieved and CaCO3 didn't fully decomposed.

답변 부탁드립니다.

2024-03-27 오후 3:56:05

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