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Title [Kelda Park] 2021 FRQ question 2 - (h)
FRQ 해설강의(2012~2019,2021~23)_56강 완성 43
Author leu*** Date Posted 2024-03-22 오후 2:57:54


2021 FRQ question 2 - (h) 를 이런 식으로 답변해도 되나요?:

The valence electrons of Ge are in higher energy level than the valence electrons of Si, so the distance between the nucleus and the valence electrons are greater in Ge than in Si. The greater distance makes Ge's coulombic attraction weaker than Si, making Ge's valence electrons to be less attracted to the nuclues than the valence electrons of Si. Therefore Ge has lower first ionization energy.

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2024-03-23 오후 3:55:07


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